cold chain compliance

Cold Chain Compliance is the brand for the advisory work of the Federation. Our focus will be on producing simple, accessible, guides that tell people what they need to know about key regulatory challenges from health and safety, to refrigeration management and food safety, as well as providing bespoke answers to member’s compliance queries.

Our compliance work is divided between Health and Safety and Food Safety and has been written specifically for cold chain businesses.

Cold Chain Federation Primary Authority Partnership (PAP)

This is a legal partnership between the Cold Chain Federation and Slough Borough Council (SBC) to provide regulatory advice to our members. SBC was picked for its proximity to the Cold Chain Federation offices, their experience in health and safety and food safety regulations and their experience in working with large corporate businesses with multiple sites across the UK.

The agreement covers the broad range of regulatory areas applicable to our industry and enforced by local councils.

How will our members benefit?

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This guidance has been designed to be accessible to all employees in a cold storage business, from a warehouse operative to senior managers, however its primary audience are those individuals responsible for ensuring health and safety compliance.



In response to questions from our members and the changing profile of risk in our industry, the Cold Chain Federation has partnered with Marsh Commercial to produce this new guidance on Insurance Risks in the Cold Chain. Its aim is to provide cold chain businesses with an overview of the major risk areas impacting insurance coverage in temperature-controlled logistics operations followed by advice on how businesses can work with their insurers to manage the risks when evaluating insurance arrangements.

For more information or to talk to us about your compliance challenges

Contact the team on l 0118 988 4468 or email