Inaugural Cold Chain Medal – Call for Nominations

Marking outstanding contribution is a vital part of leadership. That is why in our first year as the Cold Chain Federation we have instituted a new prestigious award for individuals that have truly excelled.

The Cold Chain Medal, is an exclusive award (only one will be issued every year) for a person working in a temperature controlled storage or distribution business that has made a contribution that deserves high recognition. It does not matter what seniority that person has in the company, or what role they play. They could be a senior leader that has seen their company through to a significant success; a general manager that has delivered above and beyond; a sales manager that has made a transformational impact, or any person that has made a vital contribution to safety and standards.

The way people are entered is by nomination. The following rules apply

  • One nomination by company in membership.
  • The medal award is limited to companies in our storage and distribution (or full) membership category.
  • Nominations must be made by a senior manager from within the company,
  • Nominations will also be accepted from a senior leader in an Associate Member company, where they are nominating a person working in a Cold Chain Federation member storage and distribution company.
  • All nominations are made by completing the form, DOWNLOAD HERE (no additional submission will be required or considered).
  • The achievements for which the person is being recognised must have occurred or completed in the 3 years up to 1st May 2020.
  • Nominees must be free for short interview, either in person or over video conference, by the adjudicating panel (me and one other) in either March or April 2020.

I hope very much that you will be able to submit entries to this exciting new initiative. Deadlines for nominations are 5pm – Friday 27th March 2020), Please email nominations to

3 candidates will be shortlisted, and interviews will take place before the end of April. All three shortlisted nominees will be recognised at the Federation AGM and annual lunch on the 21st May 2020 in central London. The winner will be announced on that day.

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