Must-read Free Guide on Recruitment and Retention
The CIPD and Adecco reported that businesses across the UK have the highest levels of hiring optimism for eight years, with 64% of businesses planning to recruit more staff.
However, businesses are reporting increasing problems both finding and keeping staff. The CIPD also says employers should now be ‘reviewing their recruitment practices’ after this past year of change.
If you’d like a quick refresher on how to hire the best people for your business, the HR experts, Cold Chain Federation Associate Member Citation, have created this exclusive free guide to help – from writing great job ads to keeping employees engaged even during these challenging times, it’s the perfect recruitment starting point.
If you’d like to chat about how Citation can help with the HR and Health & Safety side of your business, just give them a call on 0345 844 1111, or fill in their call-back form and they’ll get right back to you.
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