5 Minutes with Cold Chain Federation Member Seymour Manufacturing International Ltd
Seymour Manufacturing International (SMI) has been saving energy and money for some of the world’s biggest and best-known businesses since the 1980s, and is a market leader in the design of thermal products. The client list is a who’s who of blue-chip brands, including Waitrose, Morrisons, Asda, Sainsbury’s, Marks & Spencer, The Co-op and Lidl, plus the NHS, and Ministry of Defence. It’s all thanks to Tempro, SMI’s remarkable lightweight thermal insulation material which has been scientifically proven to cut energy loss by at least 25% in chillers, and an amazing 33% in freezers – and has even been used to cover living quarters during a trek to the Antarctic.
Here we find out about SMI’s Director Jill.
Q. Who is the main person for members to contact?
Your main point of contact is Jill Seymour, or the sales team.
Q. What do they do and contact details?
Jill is director of the day-to-day operations at SMI’s Telford-based headquarters. You can reach her at jill@seymour-mi.com or info@seymour-mi.com or phone 01952 201201 between 9am and 4.45pm.
Q. Why is it important to be a part of the Cold Chain Federation?
The need to maximise efficiencies, saving money or energy where possible, and capitalising on any new opportunities that arise, is also right at the top of the agenda. We want to work with members to share the benefits of our unique thermal insulation material Tempro which has been independently proven to cut energy loss.
Q. What are SMI’s aspirations for the industry?
We need to show that flexibility is the temperature-controlled insulation sector’s middle name. Since the pandemic took hold, we’ve seen a significant rise in demand for products delivering thermal insulation barriers and protection, portable cold rooms for large areas. They make it possible for any combination of ambient, chilled products to be stored in any building or vehicle, and to be regularly reshaped or reconfigured.
Find out more on the SMI website HERE.

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