Introducing a Valuable Resource: Citation’s Beginner’s Guide to ISO 45001

In today’s fast-paced and dynamic work environments, prioritising workplace safety remains paramount. That’s why we’re sharing with you our Associate Member Citation’s Beginner’s Guide to ISO 45001. This comprehensive resource is designed to enhance occupational Health & Safety for businesses like yours and serves as a powerful tool that helps you boost safety standards and reduce risks within your business.

Whether you’re new to Health & Safety standards or seeking to enhance practices, investing in safety reflects positively on your business reputation. Download Citation’s free checklist to uncover the significance of ISO 45001 and take steps towards a safer future for your business.


What’s inside?

  • Understanding ISO 45001
  • Why use it?
  • Key requirements explained.
  • Step-by-step guide to creating a best practice Health & Safety management system.


If you’d like to chat about how Citation can help with the HR, Health & Safety, and ISO certification side of your business, just give them a call on 0345 844 1111, or fill in their get a quote form –, and they’ll get right back to you. Remember to quote Cold Chain Federation when enquiring to access preferential rates.     

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