5 Minutes with Cold Chain Federation Member Procuro Euro Ltd

Procuro Euro Ltd joined the Federation in June this year and are based in Dublin, we thought we would find out a bit more about them and here’s what we found out.

QWho is the main person for members to contact?

Stephen Osman is Head Of Client Solutions EMEA for Procuro Euro Ltd

Q. What do they do and contact details?

Procuro is a software and services company that specialises in Cold Chain Management solutions for the Food, Pharma and Chemical industries.

We offer a series of Software as a Service (SaaS) offerings (modules) under the PIMM™/iPIMM™ brand which provides “end to end visibility” for our clients.

We also have a range of telematics and data loggers that provide data rich reporting and verification.

The PIMM system monitors, analyses and manages the entire distribution process from supplier plants, 3rd party carriers, 3rd party cold storage/distribution centres, outbound delivery fleet and in-store cold storage.

This ensures:

  • End to end quality control and visibility.
  • Maximum shelf life.
  • Improved operations and energy efficiency.
  • Product traceability.
  • Ease of use throughout clients organisation in the PIMM Web Portal, iPad apps and Procuro support team.
  • Projected Product Temperature (PPT)

Contact details: Stephen Osman, Email: sosman@procuro.com, Tel: +353896179779

QWhy is it important to be a part of the Cold Chain Federation?

Industry knowledge from Shane Brennan and the rest of the CCF team are helpful to us, these are the current issues facing our clients in the food, pharma and chemical industries.

The CCF is a voice for the industry and brings issues to Government that contribute to policies that affect all of us in the cold chain industry.

We will continue to contribute and participate in discussions about what lies ahead for this industry and look forward to helping our fellow members with their software and technology needs in any way we can.

Q. What are Procuros’ aspirations for the industry?

Our aspirations are that the industry adopts new technologies to reduce waste and increase efficiency across all operations.

We can help our clients and fellow CCF members on how to modernise their business operations to ensure they are technology leaders.

The industry is changing, inefficient processes and operations are no longer accepted by clients who are demanding real time visibility and data based reporting for their shipments.

It is surprising to see how many businesses have not utilised technology to streamline operations, processes and quality assurance.

For further information on Procuro please click here

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