IOR announces priorities for the next few years
IOR Priorities for the next few years
The IOR recently conducted its annual review of strategic priorities for 2023. These are the most critical areas that members want to see the IOR focusing on for the next 2-3 years. Following an open webinar in September and then a meeting of active committee members with the IOR Board of Trustees in December, the following list of priorities was voted on:
1. Leadership in education through continued support for the delivery of high-quality Apprenticeships to achieve an improved supply of skilled technicians who can work on any type of system in the future.
2. Promoting our industry to schools and young people by continuing our work to provide encouragement and resources for members to go into schools to promote STEM and raise awareness of careers as well as our sector’s contribution.
3. Focus on opportunities in the Heat Pump market addressing the lack of technical understanding of heat pumps, heat recovery and integration of heating and cooling at a skills, technology and policy level.
4. Guidance on practical training needs for achieving efficiency in service & maintenance by supporting existing technicians, trainers and students to improve their skills now.
There are many issues both in technical and policy areas that the IOR is involved in, however, identifying our “Top 4” will help to provide greater focus on what members want the IOR to help us as a sector to achieve in the coming months. There are already some working groups and committees working in these areas with plenty of opportunities for members to contribute through webinars, signing up for STEM ambassador programmes and contributing resources to guidance, talks and videos online going forward. Watch out for future newsletters and invitations to take part.
There’s still time to book for the 2023 IOR Annual Dinner
The 2023 IOR Annual Dinner is taking place on 23 February in London’s Leonardo Royal Hotel St Pauls. Known as the “Original Fridge Dinner”, this event provides guests with the opportunity to meet new contacts, and clients and to catch up with industry friends. It is also one of the Institute’s main fundraisers, providing the IOR with the necessary means for the invaluable work it is pursuing in areas including training, education and the environment to name but a few!
The Dinner will be the opportunity to hear from new IOR President Graeme Fox FInstR on training initiatives and priorities for the future. The event will also recognise the outstanding contributions of service engineers, researchers and members who work to keep the IOR at the forefront of technical developments.
Book your place at www.ior.org.uk/annualdinner
Other news and reports
DEFRA publish a report on F Gas Regulation effectiveness. The report published in January is an assessment of effectiveness but doesn’t set out any proposals for legislative change. It includes a forecast of the continued demand for hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), an assessment of further action from international commitments, an overview of standards and a review of the availability of technically feasible and cost-effective alternatives. DEFRA is organising a series of stakeholder meetings with industry groups including IOR and ACRIB during 2023 to gain discuss future legislative proposals.
The Government’s Mission Zero, an independent review of Net Zero, has been published this month. It looks at growth opportunities offered by Net Zero targets for the UK. The report is based on over 1800 written submissions as part of the official Call for Evidence which has been seen as testament to the strong interest in delivering on Net Zero. The Review makes recommendations for government, key sectors and industries, regions and authorities in 25 policies that could be delivered by 2025.
Links to both reports can be found at www.ior.org.uk/news
Forthcoming events
Promoting RACHP Careers in Schools – IOR Network Meeting – 15 February 2023
Hampshire Refrigeration Society Breakfast Briefing – 16 February 2023
IOR Annual Dinner – 23 February 2023
Welcome to new members – membership matters webchat – 1 March 2023
Women in RACHP – A Day of Practical Engineering – 8 March 2023
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